Super Tatra Hotel

Centrala Investments Group
Author: Jakub Szczęsny


Cecile Besnard, Maria Gajewska
Project’s partner:

Bęc Zmiana Fundation

Project done in frame of Schronienie Festival

More informations available:

Knowing that Kielce, a city in the middle way between Warsaw and Cracow, are lacking decent hotel infrastructure and it’s hilly surroundings call for human interpretation, we decided to place our ambicious project there.
Super Tatra Hotel is way more fun than Tatras: one can eat, drink, shout, disco-dance, trash around and spend money whenever he or she desires, without waisting time on being polite to wildlife, mountain rangers and nature lovers.

Availability and freedom of consumption: this is our credo!
Come and enjoy Better Tatras with illuminated skiing slopes open 24/7, pletora of folkloristic fast foods and family restaurants, classy spa, almost 1000 beds in different cathegory hotels and a massive shopping center with YOUR favorite brands. Adult and family animations are available!
Come and spend best holidays of your life in NEW MOUNTAINS just half an hour from Kielce!