Sensorama 2 (Pchechong)


Jakub Szczęsny (Poland)
Eifo Dana Group (Israel)

Bogna Świątkowska – Bęc Zmiana Fundation;
Marta Wójcicka – Stowarzyszenie ArtAnimacje

Sensorama is a winter-making machine. It will land in the old harbour of Jaffa, inviting participants of the Blue Festival, tired from the June heat, to a sensory trip that will carry them away for a moment from the 2009 Israeli reality to Poland’s hardest winter of the 20th century in 1979. The machine will reproduce all the sensations generated by a frosty winter such as images, temperature, smell, sound and the level of air humidity.

Putting their heads inside Sensorama, three persons, complete strangers to one another, will simultaneously experience a reality totally alien to them, which cuts down to size everything that normally separates them: religion, origin or social status.