The task was to place five new buildings with 81 apartments into a pre-existing estate dating from late 1930-ties. Dense and high greenery, negociating with local cooperative plus severe building limitations made the design and building phase a long process that ended up with a success.
Sided by Kampinoski National Park and by the campus of Military Technical Academy the placement is just perfect for those who seek peaceful living away from Warsaw’s hectic everydayness. The question was how to squeeze 10.000m2 with parking spaces into that idyllic surrounding without spoliling it. We knew that almost all buildings had to be four levels high in reference with existing ones, except for the one standing close to the street, yet, most of the buildings had to be perpendicularly „cut” by the line of sun/shadow enforcing unusual volumetries that ended up being what at the time was considered risky: giant terraces.